Networks connect all of your devices. Getting connected should be simple. Staying connected should be effortless. Security should be as important as functionality and all the impressive technical points should give way to an equally impressive and organic experience.
We develop software solutions that effortlessly connect you to more secure and dynamic experiences. Our software is built to ensure that you don’t sacrifice security for improved access to your data and devices.
It has never been this simple and secure to start getting connected. This is software that connects your world and improves it without complicating it. So sit back, relax and enjoy your connected experience.
We are a team of veteran developers with a passion for creating dynamic solutions that connect people to the world around them. We believe that software should not only provide a strong foundation for the products it supports but that it should improve the overall experience.
We use our extensive experience and understanding of network protocols, security and transmission methods to engineer solutions that make it easy to get connected when and where you want.
We believe the music platform you chose should enhance your listening experience and not complicate it. iBroadcast is our flagship product in the connected market.
iBroadcast connects you to your entire music library. Wherever you are, whatever device you are on you will always have access to all of your music. Enjoying your music is just the beginning though. iBroadcast is a complete online music platform that makes it easier than ever to upload and store your music. With all of your music in one convenient place you can easily edit and organize your entire library. We are continuously developing more accurate and powerful tools to help make managing your music more organic and intuitive. Our app designers are constantly working to create visually engaging interfaces that provide you with a consistent experience that leverages all of the features and functionality that you get online.
The way video is created and experienced is rapid evolving with more options for augmenting and enhancing the experience. We are hard at work developing solutions that will make it easier to control any video, on any device and at the optimal resolution. You want more than just connected access to your video; you want the whole experience to be optimized for your specific devices and network. We are leveraging everything that we are learning as we develop iBroadcast to create solutions that do more than just connect you to your video.
Security and the connected experience may seem like opposing concepts but we aim to change all that. Security should never be at a level that you just accept you should be comfortable with the level of protection that you receive. We are hard at work developing solutions that will make it easier for anyone to get connected to a higher level of security. Security should provide an intricate level of protection from outside sources but it shouldn’t shield you from having complete access to your system. It should be just as easy for you to connect as it is for you to protect.